Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Valley of Love, Da Lat, Vietnam

Well fellow travelers I am embarking on a new adventure. I have never started or even thought I would ever start a travel website but here it is. This is about my life and times in pictures on good old mother earth, where I have been and where I am going. So hang in there and with a bit of time and education(on my part) this may be interesting to see. Right now I am going to post some pictures of Vietnam. I will be leaving Portland, Oregon on the 13th of February, 2013 and traveling to Vietnam for a 7 month stay. I have lived in Southeast Asia about 8 years of my life.
Perfume River, Hue, Vietnam

Hoi An , Vietnam

Da Nang, Vietnam

Cat Ba Island, Vietnam
Ban Me Thuet, Vietnam
Binh Long (built where An Loc used to be) Vietnam
I served in Vietnam with the U.S. Army in 1969-70. I will post a few pictures of that time but it is not the focus of this site. I returned to visit the country in 2000 and since then I have lived in many parts of the country and traveled to almost every corner. I have witnessed more than a decade of change and some of the pictures that will be on this site are of places that no longer exist. As the country has evolved so have I.